Google will roll out new search updates


Google announced that it’s rolling out new Search updates over the next few weeks that will aim to make it easier for people to find high-quality content.

The new ranking improvements will work to reduce the amount of low-quality or unoriginal content that ranks high in search results. Google says that the update will especially target content that has been created primarily for ranking on search engines, known as “SEO-first” content, rather than human-first content.

The State of Ecommerce. Will growth continue to boom as we move through 2022 and beyond ?
The State of Ecommerce: A Sample of Insights for 2022 and Beyond - Part 1

Since the start of the pandemic, the ecommerce market has experienced unprecedented growth. The so-called “pandemic effect” generated large spikes in online shoppers, drove many new consumers to the industry, and accelerated the arrival of ecommerce business formats like online grocery shopping and last-mile deliveries.

The industry as a whole looks quite different than it did prior to 2020, and emerging trends suggest ecommerce will continue to evolve at a rapid pace in the future. 

Laravel for eCommerce Website Development
Why Choose Laravel for eCommerce Website Development?

Laravel is an open-source PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) web framework, which includes tools and features that can be used to build sites and web applications related to eCommerce.

The global eCommerce market remains a booming industry.  Retail e-commerce sales worldwide were approximately 4.9 trillion dollars in 2021. Over the next four years, this figure is expected to increase by 50 percent, reaching 7.4 trillion dollars by the year 2025.